Who We Are

Our Beliefs

We believe there is one eternal God who is the creator of all things.

See 2 Corinthians 13:14. John 10:30. He exists in three parts - God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit. We call this triune God, the Holy Trinity.

God designed us to have relationship with Him, but through our sin we were separated from God.

All people have sinned - no one is perfect. (see Romans 3:23. We can’t earn our way to right relationship with Him - we can only receive this as a gift.

God is loving.

1 John 4:16. God has the capacity to love each and every single one of us equally and beyond measure.

Jesus died on the cross for our sins.

Hebrews 12:2. Jesus loved humanity so much that He willingly sacrificed His own life as a final atonement for our sins.

Salvation is through Jesus alone.

John 14:6. Romans 10:9. We owe everything to Jesus. God sent his son Jesus as a sacrifice to die for our sins so that we may not be separated from God. He lived a sinless, exemplary life on the earth so that we may follow His example.

As believers, we have God, the Holy Spirit, living inside of us.

John 16:7. When Jesus left the earth, He said that the advocate, or the helper (the Holy Spirit) was going to be sent in His place. When we accept salvation and begin following God, the Holy Spirit comes to live inside of each and every single Christian.

The Holy Spirit provides gifts and characteristics that manifest through His people.

1 Corinthians 12:8-10. Romans 12:3-8. The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit gives us the power to operate in what are called “gifts of the spirit”. The gifts are varied, and they include but aren’t limited to teaching, prophecy, holy language or speaking in tongues, and discernment. The gifts of the Holy Spirit don’t make us better than anyone else, but rather show us where we can grow and how to better help those in the world around us.

We believe the Bible is the authoritative word of God in our life.

John 1:1-5. 2 Timothy 3:16-17. The Bible was written by many different authors over many years, however all of it has been divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Bible teaches us about God, who He is and what He has done, and also gives us the blueprint for how to live God’s way on this earth.

We believe that life continues when we leave this earth, and all people will spend eternity with God or without.

Romans 2:6-8. Matthew 25:46. When this life ends, all believers will get to spend eternity in heaven with Jesus. And the great news is that we don’t have to earn this - Jesus has secured it on the cross. We merely need to accept the gift of salvation he offers. That said, not every person will accept this gift, and the Bible tells us that those people will not make it into heaven. It should be the primary goal of all believers to help reach our world for Jesus and help other people come to this awareness of their need for salvation through Jesus.

Our faith is active.

Hebrews 11:1. Ephesians 4:1. Our faith journey is not complete when we accept salvation. Once we accept Jesus, our faith journey really begins! As followers of Jesus, we need to engage the world around us and bring the hope and love of God to a world in need.

The movement of Jesus on the earth happens best through the local church.

(See Matthew 16:18, Proverbs 27:17, Hebrews 10:24-25) Jesus has chosen to build His church and to use us to do it. Within the local church, we build relationships, we help each other grow, we worship God together, and we invite people to come in to hear this message of Jesus. Within the church, we help spur each other on towards the callings that God has given us individually as well as shepherd the great calling He has placed on our church.

Plan Your Visit

We invite you and your family to visit Kingdom City Church this Sunday!